If you are expecting a baby or are the parent of a young child in child care, you may qualify for financial help for your childcare costs. We understand the responsibilities of parenting and are here to help you have a successful college experience as a North Central student.
Help you fund your current licensed child care
Help you find licensed child care options
Support you through the challenges of being a student parent
Listen to your concerns and suggestions
Program Eligibility
Eligible CCAMPIS participants must meet the following requirements:
- Parent of child care-age child/children
- Current North Central student (full- or part-time)
- Enrolled in a degree-seeking program
- Fast Track programs do not count.
- Pell eligible
- Even if you're not receiving Pell, you must have completed the FAFSA.
- Utilizing a licesned child care provider
- If you do not currently have a licensed child care provider — or have child care at all — our CCAMPIS advisor will help find licensed care providers in your area.
Program Requirements
While involved in the CCAMPIS program, participants must:
- Meet regularly with the CCAMPIS advisor (at least once per semester)
- Complete CCAMPIS surveys as requested
- Apply for DHHS child care assistance
- Your CCAMPIS advisor will help you apply. If you do not qualify for DHHS support, you are still eligible to receive CCAMPIS funding.
- Remain in good academic standing
- Remain in good standing with chosen licensed provider
Program Application
Interested in participating in North Central's CCAMPIS program?

Questions? I can help!
Kristin Jardine
CCAMPIS Advisor and Activity Coordinator